Dev dairy is a web app that let's the user create project and create posts and work sessions to keep track of their projects. the user can also share the progress of the work where they have done with a link to show to other people.
It's a Full-stack web appliaction.The user can craete project and create posts and worksession to keep track of their projects. the user can also share the progress of the work where they have done with a link to show to other people. there are other feature that can be explored.
it consists of a FrontEnd and a BackEnd. it's also uses Serverless Functions for doing the Small tasks like resetPassword, SendGrettingmails, others which is deployed in uses other services of Gcloud Services.
- Client
- React
- Chakra UI
- @reduxjs/toolkit
- workbox
- @testing-library
- idb
- msw
- Backend
- Node.js
- Express.js
- @google-cloud
- mongoose
- Serverless
- @google-cloud/functions-framework
- @sendgrid/mail
- Monorepo
- Turborepo
- Docker
Client Features
- CRUD User
- CRUD Project
- CRUD Posts
- CRUD WorkSession
- Share Project and Work Sessions
- Test User
Server Features
- Client APIs
- Cache Response
- Rate Limiter
- Google Cloud Services
- Tasks
- Cors
- Seeder
- Others